Celebrate 2024 with The Tinsmith’s Wife

We love being able to celebrate the new year - and what better way than with a gathering of awesome people?!   Please join us today for yummy food and general fun!  If you would like to participate in the gift exchange - just brin galong a $20 gift.

Stitching on Wool with Beth (Class 1)

Do you love Sue Spargo’s colorful, intricately stitched work? Are you intimidated by the complicated surfaces? Prepare yourself for working in wool by creating a sampler of stitches using various needles and weights of thread. An appliqué will be added. The class begins at 12pm and ends at 4:30pm. **These...

Stitching on Wool with Beth (Class 2)

Do you love Sue Spargo’s colorful, intricately stitched work? Are you intimidated by the complicated surfaces? Prepare yourself for working in wool by creating a sampler of stitches using various needles and weights of thread. An appliqué will be added. This is the second part of your class - and...

Malabrigo Dos Tierras KAL

We are excited to be participating in the Malabrigo Friendship Shawl KAL that begins on March 1, 2024.  You can sure register here with Malabrigo and find the pattern on Ravelry beginning on 2/15 at this link. I am surely knitting a sample - and it is a wonderful beginner-friendly...

Needlepointed Ribbon Flowers

We are so excited to have Elizabeth back to teach techniques for needlepoint.   This time she is teaching how to make a variety of flowers with 4mm and 7mm ribbon! The cost of the class is $200 - and will include all of your materials.   You will just need to...

Needle Felted Bunnies!

Join us today to make needle felted bunnies!   Your kit will include enough to make three little hoppers - and no experience is needed.   Just come with a sense of fun - and Rhonda and Amy will give you a great afternoon of making. Cost is $100 - includes all...

Needle Felted Eggs!

Join us today to make needle felted eggs with glorious flowers - and a ribbon to match!   Your kit will include enough to make three eggs - and no experience is needed.   Just come with a sense of fun - and Rhonda and Amy will give you a great afternoon...

Cottage Yarn Sale

Every four years or so we pull yarns out of our Cottage (aka yarn storage) - and give a great discount of 50% on them.   It is that time again, and we have a lot of great yarn in all weights, fiber content, and yes, we have sweater quantities! The...

Cottage Yarn Sale

Every four years or so we pull yarns out of our Cottage (aka yarn storage) - and give a great discount of 50% on them.   It is that time again, and we have a lot of great yarn in all weights, fiber content, and yes, we have sweater quantities! The...